Thursday, 12 March 2015

Can just about anyone write a book, I wonder? I suppose so, but can anyone write a good book, one that others will actually read and enjoy, one that can touch the heart of others across the spectrum of generations? I wonder if I can? I am in a career that I desperately want to walk away from; the politics have dragged me down so far that I feel as though I can no longer be effective in my role and I have lost my passion for what I do. I can still do my job well, mind you, pushing my emotions aside and focus on the task at hand, helping others to get well again and enjoy life to their fullest. Finding another career that pays just as well, that I will enjoy and be a benefit to others is difficult as all areas that I have been looking at require me to leave my current home and venture out into new dimensions. Single, this would be easy and an exciting adventure, but I am married now with a beautiful child, roots have been sent down deep into the ground and the ground here is nuritiousing with many fruitful trees supporting one
another. To leave would be difficult and heart wrenching. So my husband reminds me of my book, the one I started but did not get too far...only a few pages. He tells me that I should look to that maybe, that we live where many any author would love to be to allow for the creative juices to flow without distraction. So I will use this blog which has taken on so many differing personas, to now journal my progress. If anyone reads this, please feel free to ask how things are going, write your comments, suggestions, tell me of your writing experiences. Perhaps all this will inspire my thoughts to scream loud enough that they pop up in print. 

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